Screening report 25.07.2009
I had a screening on Saturday, 25th July in the book shop in Koenji, Tokyo. In this book shop, you can also have drinks, foods, and some interesting goods.
On the way to the book shop, I found Tesco :-(
At that time, they had an exhibition. All objuects were made from cat's hair!!
The screening organiser Nakasee brought his friend's prohector. It was very small! Actually smaller than my compact digital camera!
Today's MC, Hoshika-san. She is an actress.
Post screening talk with Nakasee and Hoshika-san.
After the screening. With Nakasee, Hoshika-san and Ikaru-san.
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「Screening report (English)」カテゴリの記事
- Screening report 5-6.08.2009(2009.08.20)
- Screening report 25.07.2009(2009.08.20)
- Screening report 20.07.2009(2009.08.20)
- Screening report 12.07.2009(2009.08.20)
- Screening report 6-7.7.2009(2009.08.14)